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Comprehensive Small Industrial

Earn incentives for small industrial retrofits

Our Comprehensive Small Industrial (CSI) program offers smaller industrial customers the opportunity to expand energy savings beyond a typical equipment retrofit. In addition to incentives for energy-efficient equipment upgrades, CSI offers further incentives for additional energy-saving changes.

What you get

Our CSI incentives apply to non-lighting energy-efficient capital improvements combined with O&M changes or standalone O&M changes at your facility. If you qualify for a CSI incentive, you’ll receive:

A site visit to identify potential opportunities for both capital and O&M savings to achieve the CSI incentives.

You have 2 options:

(1) CSI Incentive – Capital Improvement and O&M Changes: An incentive for your small industrial retrofit project, including incentives for the equipment upgrade and any additional O&M changes that yield energy savings. The total incentive can cover up to 70% of eligible project costs, which can include equipment and installation. Current incentive rates are listed below.

  • Up to $0.45 per kWh saved
  • Up to $8 per therm saved
  • Up to 70% of eligible project costs

(2) CSI Incentive – O&M Changes Only: An incentive for solely O&M changes that yield energy savings. The total incentive can cover up to 100% of eligible project costs. Current incentive rates are listed below.

  • Up to $0.10 per kWh saved
  • Up to $1 per therm saved
  • Up to 100% of eligible project costs

How you qualify

To be eligible for a CSI grant:

  • You must currently be a PSE business electric or gas customer.
  • Your business site must be considered industrial, which often (but not always) means either: the majority of its electric load is associated with processing or manufacturing; or, its subsystems maintain long run-hours, rely on industry-standard technology, and keep relatively stable control set points and loads.
  • Sites whose principal use is office or retail are almost always not eligible for this program.
  • Your business site must use less than 1,000,000 kWh of electricity per year and less than 50,000 therms of gas per year.
  • You must be pre-approved by PSE prior to the installation of all energy-efficiency improvement measures.

How you apply

To get pre-approved, complete the online custom grant application.

Please include any additional information that would help evaluate the project. This may include a project proposal, drawings, trend data and cut sheets. Documents can be uploaded into the online application form from the Supporting Documents section.

Questions? Get in touch with us at

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